How can you help PROFS?
PROFS (Providing Resources & Opportunities for Future Standouts) supports independent students who have experienced foster care or homelessness. These students do not have the parental or family support/stability that can be critical to academic and personal success. PROFS provides support through:
• Individual and group coaching and guidance
• Book awards, as needed
• Funding to live on campus over the winter and summer breaks for students who need to live on campus year-round
• Stipends to help them with food/expenses over the winter and summer breaks
• Family dinners to promote community and belonging
• Funding for group activities for educational and community purposes
The ChildPromise grant generously covers essential costs like break housing, book awards, and semester stipends to support PROFS students throughout the year. However, we can do even more to empower these students who often face significant transportation challenges. Your donation to PROFS will help us set up driving lessons so students who have experienced foster care or homelessness can earn their driver's license, a critical life skill that opens up new opportunities for independence and success. By contributing, you’re not only funding practical solutions like Ubers for medical appointments, but also helping students overcome transportation barriers that stand in the way of their future. Any leftover monies raised will be used for student conference attendance, educational trips, and activities that promote a sense of family and belonging where it is often lacking. Together, we can ensure they have the tools they need to thrive.
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